Dolan Projects
Archaeological and investigative projects
Intake Monitoring For Sturgeon Impringments Issues
S. T. Hudson Engineers, and Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC)
Hudson River, Buchanan, NY
Sonar imaging was used to assist biological monitoring and impingement issues at intakes at Units 2 & 3 at IPEC, in addition to recording river bottom conditions. A Soundmetrics ARIS 300 forward looking sonar system, which can provide high resolution video-like images in real time in almost any underwater environment, was the primary tool used for biological monitoring. Marine Sonic HDS side scan sonar system was used to document river bottom conditions at the intakes and scanning sonar units were employed to record silt levels in the forebays.

For more information about this project
or our services please contact:
Lee Cox
30 Paper Mill Rd.,
Newtown Square
PA, 19073